Bollywood actor Salman Khan has once again received a death threat. This threat was given on the phone of Baba Siddiqui’s son Zeeshan Siddiqui. Along with Salman, Zeeshan Siddiqui has also been asked to be killed. Money was also demanded. The person who threatened has been arrested from Noida.
Gurfan Khan is a resident of Bareilly in UP
The Mumbai Police team has arrested Gurfan Khan alias Mohammad Tayyab from Sector 39 in Noida. Gurfan Khan alias Mohammad Tayyab who is a resident of Bareilly in UP. He had called Zeeshan Siddiqui’s office and threatened to kill him.
He used to work as a carpenter in Delhi
It is being told that the arrested accused was currently living in Delhi. He works as a carpenter in Delhi. However, the accused Gurfan has been arrested from Noida. Shortly before the arrest, Mumbai Police had informed the Noida Police. After this, taking joint action, he was caught from Noida Sector 39. Now the police are questioning him about his other associates and gang. Also, his mobile phone has been seized.
Demanded money
Along with threatening to kill Salman Khan, accused Gurfan Khan had also called Zeeshan Siddiqui and demanded money. The accused had threatened to kill him if the money was not given. Now the Mumbai Police team has left for Mumbai from Noida on transit remand.
Lawrence Bishnoi gang took responsibility for the murder of Baba Siddiqui
Let us tell you that Zeeshan Siddiqui is the son of NCP leader Baba Siddiqui. Baba Siddiqui was shot dead on the 12th of this month. Lawrence Bishnoi gang took responsibility for the murder of Baba Siddiqui.
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