A Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) bus suddenly caught fire in Jagatpuri in the country’s capital Delhi on Thursday. A bike rider informed the bus driver, after which the bus was stopped and the passengers were taken out. During this time the passengers looked in fear. It is fortunate that this incident did not turn into a major accident and no one was injured.
Due to this incident, there was a jam for several kilometers in Jagatpuri, Preet Vihar and Patparganj areas. There were about 50 passengers in the bus at the time of the incident. This incident occurred at 9.42 am on Thursday. After receiving information about the fire, three fire tenders were sent to the spot.
The fire is suspected to have been caused by a short circuit in the air conditioning system of the bus. The bus was going to Seemapuri. Then a bike rider saw smoke coming from the engine and informed the driver. The driver immediately stopped the bus and instructed the passengers to get out. All the passengers in the bus were taken out safely before it completely caught fire.
STO Anup Singh said that a DTC bus running on route number 340 caught fire near Jagatpuri red light in Shahdara district. Fortunately, all the passengers were taken out safely before the bus was completely burnt. Three fire engines reached the spot to control the fire. The bus was completely burnt due to fire. We tried to extinguish the fire from our side. The bus driver told that the fire broke out due to short circuit in the AC unit.
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