A first-year student of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Guwahati was discovered dead in his hostel room on Friday morning. The hostel is within the campus premises, this incident has resulted in a police investigation about the tragic incident. Although all the initial police assessments are leaning towards suicide, the family of the deceased student, who was from Bihar’s Samastipur area, has raised allegations the the student was being ragged and got murdered. The family has also demanded a thorough investigation into the matter.
1st year student killed himself or got murdered?
Among all these conflicting narratives, the institute has denied to comment on the family’s allegations. Yet the institute is focusing to co-operate with the ongoing police investigations because of the situation surrounding the tragic event. In a response to the incident, IIT Guwahati has only expressed deep regret over the student’s death, they has offered their deep condolences to the grieving family and made sure to provide every one necessary support during this challenging period.
IIT Guwahati HAS issued a statement expressing grief over the student’s death. “It is with deep regret that IIT Guwahati shares the unfortunate news of the death of a male student on campus on 10th April. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family, and we are providing them with the necessary support during this difficult time. The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding this unfortunate incident. Our thoughts are with the grieving family. Keeping the privacy of the student and sensitivity of this incident in consideration, the media is requested to maintain discretion while reporting on this incident,” the statement read.
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