Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi’s brother-in-law, who is named Rakesh Tiwari has suddenly died because of an road accident. According to the latest reports, his sister Sabita Tiwari has also sustained some serious injures but she is in stable condition. This happened because of a road accident near GT road, on Saturday.
accident happened around 4.30 pm at Nirsa Bazar!
The accident took place around 4.30 pm at Nirsa Bazar on the Delhi-Kolkata National Highway-2. They couple was travelling in the car and suddenly they hit a road divider, this has been confirmed by a police officer as. As per the latest reports, sister of Pankaj Tripathi, Sabita is under treatment at the Dhanbad Medical College Hospital. Reportedly, the couple were travelling from Bihar to Chittaranjan in West Bengal. Pankaj Tripathi’s brother-in-law Rajesh Tiwari used to be a government worker, he worked for the Indian Railways. He was posted in Chittaranjan.
The CCTV footage of their accident is doing rounds on social media. In te video it can be seen, how the car ramped into the divider. The damage of the car is the prove of how intense of the accident was. It was so intense that the car got badly shattered, and the front part of the car was got completely damaged. After the accident, the the local people of the accident Place helped the police to removed Rakesha nd Sabita from the car and both of them were rushed to the Dhanbad Medical Hospital. Unfortunately, Rajesh Tiwari was announced dead by emergency medical doctors, as soon as they reached, but his wife is still undergoing treatment. Sarita Tiwari is now admitted to the surgical ICU because she is still in a critical condition.
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