Bhojpuri actress Amrita Pandey has found dead at her own residence in Bihar on Saturday, April 27. But one thing has captured everyone’s eyes. Just some hours before her death, the actress had shared a odd note as her WhatsApp status. Was that a hint for her upcoming death? Was it a suicide or clean case of murder?
“life was on two boats,…” Amrita Pandey gave hint of her own death!
“Do naav me savaar thi uski zindagi, humne apni naav duba ke uska safar aasaan kar diya (Their life was on two boats, we made their path easier by sinking our boat),” Amrita had shared this on her WhatsApp status just some hours before her death. Amrita’s family has claimed that she was in frustration and depression because her career, because she wasn’t getting enough work opportunities that she deserved. The family members also claim that, Amrita was also Fighting with depression.
Amrita was found dead in her apartment in Bihar’s Bhagalpur on April 27, according to the Bihar Police. The cops are suspecting that the actor who just turned 27, has committed suicide but the incident is under investigation. She used to live in Mumbai with her husband, named Chandramani Jhangad, who is an animation engineer. During last week the actress went to Bhagalpur to attend her sister’s wedding on April 18. Her husband returned home after the wedding but Amrita stayed back for some more days.
She decided to kill herself and that evening, her sister made first discovered herself hanging in her room. The actress was rescued and immediately hospitalized but Amrita was pronounced dead by the doctors. This fatal incident emphasizes on the urgent need for better mental health support within the entertainment industry. Amrita Pandey was a very versatile and talented actress. She made a strong fame in the Bhojpuri industry as well as in hindi cinemas. Amrita has also did many web series and advertisements. In spite of all these her family cleaned she was dealing with severe depression.
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