Actress Suhani Bhatnagar, who played the role of Aamir Khan’s younger daughter Junior Babita Phogat in the film ‘Dangal'(2016), has passed away at the age of 19. It is being said that fluid had accumulated in the entire body of Suhani Bhatnagar. Everyone is shocked by the demise of the actress who gained popularity with the film ‘Dangal’ and impressed everyone with her bubbly acting.
Who is Suhani Bhatnagar?
Suhani Bhatnagar was a famous child actress in Bollywood. She has worked on several Advertisements and Short Films. She gained popularity after playing the role of the younger Babita Phogat in the blockbuster film ‘Dangal'(2016), starring Amir Khan. After catching everyone’s attention, Suhani started getting offers from various production houses. However, she decided to take a leave from her acting career to focus solely on her education. She has mentioned in interviews that she will be back to acting after completing her studies. But then, this unfortunate incident occurred.
According to reports, Suhani has been undergoing treatment at AIIMS for the last few days. Some time ago Suhani had an accident, due to which her leg was fractured. Due to the reaction of the medicines taken during the treatment, fluid gradually started accumulating in her body, due to which she was ill for a long time. The entire film industry is in shock due to Suhani’s demise at such a young age. Today i.e. on 17th February, Suhani’s last rites will be performed at Ajrauda cremation ground in Sector-15, Faridabad.
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