Bollywood actor Govinda had claimed 14 years ago, that, politics was never his cup of tea. He claimed that joining politics was a big mistake for him. But after 14 years of “canvas,” the 60-year-old actor Govinda has again stepped into politics. He joined Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena party on Thursday!
In 2009, when the central leadership of the Congress was willing to re-elect Actor Govinda from the Mumbai North seat for the then Lok Sabha elections, Bollywood’s ‘King of Comedy‘ Govinda had said that his rivals in the party had created obstacles for him. “I was gheraoed within my party. Some people did not want to work with me,” Govinda had said at that time and took a retirement from politics.
In 2012, he claimed at the World Marathi Literary Meet saying, “Politics was never in our blood and our family… I will never return to it,” he had said. Govinda had also said that joining politics was the biggest mistake of his life. “If I am given a chance to change all that, then this is one part of my life I would always like to change,” he said.
But things have turned over now. The actor has claimed that the Shivsena party’s cleaning has inspired him. He said, “The clean aura (of Shiv Sena) inspired me. I have always said that PM Modi is a very person. We have seen the same level of progress here (in Maharashtra) in the last 2 years, as we have seen in the country in the last 10 years” ” He also praised Shinde for his developing work in Maharashtra, saying, “Eknath Shinde has done the amount of work that previously took 29-30 years to complete. I believe the progress that the nation has seen over the last 9-10 years will now be seen in the state.”
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