Akshay Kumar, Bollywood’s busiest actor who does four to five films a year, is celebrating his 57th birthday today on 9 September. Akshay Kumar, famous as Khiladi Kumar in the Indian cinema world, has now shared a new post and surprised his fans. The news that has come out is enough to bring a smile to the faces of his fans. By the way, if you remember, famous director Priyadarshan and superstar Akshay Kumar were seen together last year and their photo got leaked, which was much talked about. Everyone was waiting for this pair to come together again. Finally, their wait is over now. After 14 years, both of them are working together on a horror comedy ‘Bhoot Bangla’, which is being produced under the banner of Ekta R Kapoor and Balaji Telefilms Limited.
Akshay Kumar announced the film in this style
Akshay Kumar surprised everyone by releasing a motion poster on Ganesh Chaturthi, which gave a hint that a big announcement has been planned on the special occasion of his birthday. The actor has finally revealed this news, he has shared an interesting motion poster on social media. In this motion post, he is seen standing in front of a scary haunted bungalow. On one side, a full round moon is visible, while on the other side, a black cat is sitting on his shoulder and he is seen holding a bowl of milk in his hand. This post of Akshay’s film is quite crazy and his way of announcing the film is also very funny.
See the post here
Akshay wrote a special post
Sharing the motion poster, Akshay Kumar wrote in the caption of the Instagram post, “Thank you for your love on my birthday, year after year! Celebrating this year with the first look of ‘Bhooth Bangla’! I’m beyond excited to join forces with Priyadarshan again after 14 years. This dream collaboration has been a long time coming… can’t wait to share this incredible journey with you all. Stay tuned for the magic!” Fans are excited after seeing this post of Akshay Kumar. Fans are happy to see this pair together again.
Akshay and Priyadarsh’s pairing has been successful
Let us tell you, Priyadarshan and Akshay Kumar have made the most loved films together to date. They have given the audience timeless classic films like ‘Hera Pheri’, ‘Garam Masala’, ‘Bhagam Bhag’, ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’ and ‘De Dana Dan’, which have made a special place in the hearts of the audience. There was a time when this pair became a sensation. Every film of theirs proved to be a super hit. The dialogues of their films became a part of everyday life. In such a situation, they are now coming together again, and it is going to be interesting to see what this pair is going to bring on screen this time.
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