The pairing of Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra rocked YRF’s ‘Dhoom’ franchise. In every film of this franchise, Bollywood’s biggest stars were seen as villains. Actor Aamir Khan was in a negative role in ‘Dhoom 3’. However, after ‘Dhoom 3’, fans were eagerly waiting for ‘Dhoom 4’. Now this long wait of the fans is finally over. A big update has come out regarding Dhoom 4. If reports are to be believed, the names of Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar have come up for ‘Dhoom 4’. If reports are to be believed, Akshay Kumar will play the role of a police officer in this film while Shahrukh Khan will be seen in a negative role.
Nitish Naveen has tweeted about the casting of Dhoom 4. In this tweet, Nitish said that the characters of Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra have changed in Aditya Chopra’s film ‘Dhoom 4’. Shahrukh Khan will be seen in the role of a villain in the film, while Akshay Kumar will be seen in the role of a policeman in the film. Nayantara and Katrina Kaif’s names are also included in this list. If reports are to be believed, she will be seen in the role of Akshay Kumar’s girlfriend in the film, while Katrina Kaif will also be seen in the role of a police officer. Actor Rajkumar Rao will replace Uday Chopra in the role of Ali in the film.
Along with this, it has also been said in the tweet that the script of ‘Dhoom 4’ was written by Aditya Chopra and Siddharth Anand together. After this news came out, the excitement of the fans increased but till now there has been no reaction from Shahrukh Khan or YRF to this news.
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