The entire Bollywood started feeling unsafe, after 2 unknown men try to kill Salman Khan by shooting, that also in his own residence. According to the latest news the Gunshots were heard outside Salman Khan’s Mumbai residence early this morning. This incident took place around 5 am at the morning today. The latest report says two unidentified men on a motorcycle fired five rounds in the air outside his house and sped away from the scene. Things took another turn when Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol took responsibility for the incident!
“ye sirf trailer tha.” , Saint Lawrence bishnoi’s brother Anmol!
This could have been a normal case. But a bullet has hit the first floor of the building where Salman Khan stays, police said. The Mumbai Police also added that an unknown gun was used in the firing. Mumbai Police has launched a probe into the incident and is trying to track down the accused persons who fired that gun. “Today at around 5 am, two unidentified people opened fire outside the house of actor Salman Khan in Bandra. Police have received information about 3 rounds of firing. Mumbai Police’s Crime Branch has reached the spot for investigation,” Mumbai Police said.
The nation and the fans of Salman Khan is terrified of this one question, is Salman Khan really safe? Lawrence bishnoi’s brother Anmol has said in a social media post from an account that has been recently activated. He claimed on that post, “ye sirf trailer tha.” Anmol Bishnoi is the brother of the renowned jailed gangster who is named Lawrence Bishnoi and he was accused in the murder of Punjabi singer who turned turned politician, Sidhu Moosewala.
The post was shared by Anmol Bishnoi, almost five or six hours after the attack on Salman Khan’s house. In the post Anmol has said that it was just a trailer to show Salman their power and he also confirmed that ‘don’t consider us less. Consider this as the last warning.’ (hamari takat ko aur matt parkho, yehi pehli warning aur akhri warning hai).
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