Rumors are doing rounds about Shah Rukh Khan’s elder son, Aryan Khan. If you listen carefully you will heard that Aryan Khan is in a relationship with Brazilian actor and model Larissa Bonesi! The speculation are doing around about their potential romance that has been seen when they were seen together. Despite the growing buzz of rumors, there has been no official confirmation from either Aryan Khan or Larissa Bonesi about their relationship status. In the middle of this, Larissa was spotted in Mumbai recently also, she was heading for a party.
Aryan Khan’s Brazilian new girlfriend is now in Mumbai!
Although Aryan Khan is quite vocal about his professional journey and upcoming projects, but this star-kid he has always remained silent about his personal life. Recently, a thread on Reddit is going viral. It is an old clip, in that video clip, Aryan Khan was seen attending a concert with Brazilian actress-turned-model, Larissa Bonesi.
On this thursday, a very popular paparazzo handle has shared that. In that clip, that the brazilian model Larissa can be seen walking towards the venue, trying to hide her face, and smiling throughout the whole video. She was wearing a white top with a leather brown skirt. She completed her look with heels. Before entering the premises, Larissa turned to the paps and also blew a flying kiss! That video clip is going viral on social media.
Interestingly, both Aryan Khan and Larissa Bonesi do not only follow each other on social media but they follow each other’s family members. Larissa Bonesi has also modeled for Aryan Khan’s brand, D’Yavol X. Aryan Khan’s father Shahrukh Khan and sister Suhana Khan has modeled for his brand recently too.
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