Actress Ayesha Takia, who was seen in the film ‘Wanted’ with Salman Khan, was spotted with his son at the airport recently after a long time. During this period, the actress looked much changed compared to before. The actress, who once had a maintained body according to the conventional beauty standard of Bollywood, has now changed a lot in terms of appearance. She is a mother now, she has put on weight and her facial structure has changed. She may have undergone some ‘Plastic Surgery’ treatment. After her airport look went viral, people started trolling her for her looks. On social media platforms, people trolled her by saying she had ruined her face with “plastic surgery”, to which the actress has now reacted on her Instagram handle.
Ayesha on her Instagram handle
The 337-year-old Bollywood actress has posted two pictures on her Insta story. She has posted the first picture of herself in which she is seen smiling and posing for the camera. While posting this picture, the actress has given the message of “love and peace”.Apart from this, in the second picture shared by the actress, she has written a cryptic post regarding negativity. Ayesha has written ‘You cannot control how people receive your energy. Just continue to do your work with honesty and love as much as possible.’
Ayesha Takia movies
Ayesha started working at the age of 13 as a child actress. As a child, Ayesha was seen for the first time in Complan’s ad. Superstar Shahid Kapoor was also with her in the ad. Apart from this, the actress also worked for Disney Channel. At the same time, he made his debut in Bollywood with the film ‘Tarzan the Wonder Car’. Her glamor and acting in this film was greatly appreciated by the fans. For this, she also received the Filmfare and IIFA Award for Best Female Debut. Some other films by her are, ‘Dil Mange More'(2004), ‘Paathsala'(2010),’ Salam-E-Ishq'(2007), and many more.
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