famous Indian film producer, husband of late Sridevi, Boney Kapoor has started social media controversy. The incident happened at the Mumbai screening of his New film Maidaan, where Bollywood celebrities gathered to watch the film. But after that a clip went viral. The video captured Kapoor alongside actress Priyamani during the screening of the film Maidaan. And Boney Kapoor is been trolled and hated for this short clip. What is in the clip?
As soon as the short video clip went viral, the Netizens started expressing their outrage. They started accusing Bony Kapoor of inappropriately touching and making Priyamani feel uncomfortable. Priyamani has an important role in the movie Maidaan, she was present at the event and the actress looked stunning in a saree.
Bony Kapoor was interacting with the guests outside the screening theatre, there he also posed for the paparazzies with Priyamani. But the problem started there. He put his hand on priyamani’s bare waist. This is the reason that started the controversy. Bony Kapoor’s hand was placed on Priyamani’s back and waist, that is what many people found inappropriate. They quickly called him out as a “creep” person and started trolling him for what he did.
Social media users didn’t hesitate to use hating words and they slammed Boney Kapoor for his behavior. Some compared him to Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, and asked if he would love to be called Harvey Weinstein of India . Some has remarked on the irony of Kapoor having two young daughters himself, and called his actions shameful.
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