Delhi Commission for Women took action after several social media reports of a deepfake video of actress Rashmika Mandana circulated widely on social media platforms. Sometimes back, a deepfake video of actress Rashmika Mandanna had gone viral! The video in circulation shows a woman wearing a racy outfit and entering an elevator. The morphed video shows a woman with Rashmika’s face entering a lift wearing a fitted outfit. Bollywood celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan and many more have reacted to this. Rashmika Mandanna also reacted on this matter. Now another truth has come out on this matter! Charges were put against the makers!! Delhi police have finally arrested the person behind this.
The Delhi Police has registered an FIR in connection with the deepfake video of actress Rashmika Mandana. Delhi Police have registered the FIR under sections 465 and 469 of the IPC, 1860, and sections 66C and 66E of the IT Act, 200. An investigation was also going on this matter. Indian IT ministry has also issued notices to social media platforms stating that impersonating online was illegal under Section 66D of the Information Technology Act of 2000.
The Delhi police now arrested a 24-year-old B.Tech. graduate from Andhra Pradesh’s Guntur district. According to the police, he is the man who created the viral deep fake video of actor Rashmika Mandana. The accused person is named Eemani Naveen, and he was working from home as a video editor and social media manager. He has told the police that he created the video to increase the number of followers on an Instagram channel he had made for the Bollywood actor. Delhi Police’s Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit found more than 500 social media accounts when the investigation probe was going on, said DCP (IFSO/Special Cell) Hemant Tiwari.
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