Bollywood has been abuzz with love stories of Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan many times. Their on-screen chemistry was amazing, after which there were speculations that both of them loved each other immensely and could get married anytime. This could not happen in real life, but there were as many speculations about their marriage as there were about their love and breakup. There was a time when speculations started that both of them had got married. Then Aishwarya Rai said something special about this rumored marriage.
Secret marriage and honeymoon
According to media reports, there has been a rumor about their relationship that Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan have secretly got married. This marriage took place at a farmhouse in Lonavala. Along with this, there were also speculations that both of them had gone to New York for a trip after the marriage. It was also claimed in media reports that Aishwarya Rai’s family was against her marriage with Salman Khan and Salman Khan’s family also did not allow her to marry.
What did Aishwarya say?
Aishwarya Rai was also questioned at that time on these speculations. According to some media reports, Aishwarya Rai had completely denied the news of the secret marriage. She had said that if she had married, the whole film industry would have known about it. She will not marry secretly. She also said that she is not one of those people who hide things. If she gets married, the whole world will know about it. Along with this, Aishwarya Rai also said that all these are rubbish news.
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