Death rumours happen in Bollywood quite often. Recently, many known actors and directors have been dead in Bollywood in the year 2023. People are terrified about this matter. The news of actor Sajid Khan’s death came on 22 December. As soon as the news was received, people became miserable. News portals, and news channels have covered his death news. Then came the actual twist! What is it? Well, keep reading to know that.
In the middle of this chaos, Sajid Khan, who is very much alive, has presented proof of his being alive on social media. Sajid has shared a video, he said- I am alive.
Film director Sajid Khan shared a video on his Instagram account on Thursday morning. In the video has expressed his feelings about this fake death news about his death. He said, “Actor Sajid Khan has passed away. He was 70 years old. Mother India film which came in 1957. The little child Sunil Dutt portrayed in it was none other than Sajid Khan. He was born in 1951. I was born 20 years after him. I am sad that he passed away. May his soul rest in peace. He said – But some irresponsible media people posted my photo.”
Director Sajid Khan has said that he has been getting turns of messages and phone calls from relatives friends known and unknown people since that day. This misunderstanding between actor Sajid Khan and director Sajid Khan has cost him huge trouble. Director Sajid Khan is very much alive, the person who died is Actor Sajid Khan!
Actor Sajid Khan who died, has been suffering from cancer for the last few years. He died on December 22nd. He has worked in many films like Maya, The Unmade Films, The Singing Filipina, My Funny Girl, Savera, Mahatma and the Mad Boy, Do Number Ke Ameer, Zindagi Aur Toofan, Mandir Masjid, and Dahanesh.
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