Parineeti Chopra and MP Raghav Chadha got engaged in the presence of family members and friends in May in Delhi’s Kapurthala House. The soon-to-be-married couple dod their pre-wedding festivities with an areas ceremony in Delhi, which was followed by a Sufi night with only close friends and family members in attendance.
But in the middle of their wedding ceremony, a video of Paris is going viral. In that video, Parineeti is casually saying that she doesn’t want to marry a politician. People are going crazy over this video. But the actual thing is, this is an old video, maybe at that time Parineeti and Raghav didn’t start dating. Surprisingly Parineeti did not know that the universe would tie her knot with a politician only. In that interview Parineeti Chopra claimed that she didn’t want to get married to a politician, she also shared the three qualities she wanted in her life partner, the first was that he should be funny, and the second was that he should smell good. In the clip, the actress is seen promoting her film Jabariya Jodi where she was paired opposite Sidharth Malhotra after Hasee Toh Phasee. She was asked if had to choose a politician to get married to, who would that be and Parineeti replied, “There are too many good options .. the problem is I don’t want to get married to any politician …EVER”
Now that she’s getting married to an MP, in her comments section, one Instagram user shared, “That’s why they say, never say never!” Another shared, “Matlab wo zoot the engagement news.
The couple had initially kept their wedding low profile, so the all attention went to the power couple on their big day. Parineeti and Raghav got engaged on May 13, 2023, at a ceremony in Kapurthala House, New Delhi. They chose to have a destination wedding in Udaipur, Rajasthan on September 24, 2023, at the Taj Hotel and The Lake Palace Hotel.
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