‘KGF’ star Yash Celebrated his birthday recently. But an unfortunate incident happened on his birthday. Three fans of this actor have died unfortunately by electrocuted. They were trying to put up birthday banners in their favorite actor’s honor. The actor was shocked and sad after hearing this news!
Yash Visits Fans’ Homes to Offer Condolences on His Birthday
Actor Yash met with the families of his three fans, who died when they were preparing for his birthday. Yash turned 38 on January 8, this Tuesday. His fans wanted To make his birthday memorable, so a group of fans were trying to put a 25-foot-cut out of the actor. But unfortunately, amongst them, three fans died by electrocution during the process. This has turned Yash’s birthday this year into a total disaster and a heartbreaking affair.
Yash went to Karnataka’s Gadag district, to personally show respect to those who died that day. A video has been surfacing, which is showing the actor meeting the family. “If you wish me wholeheartedly, from wherever you are, that is the best gesture for me. Tragic incidents like these make me fear my birthday. This is not how you show fandom,” he said to the fans through media.
“Please don’t show your love like this. I want to request you all. Don’t hang banners, don’t do bike chases, and take dangerous selfies; my intention is for all of my audience and fans to grow in life as I do. If you are a true fan of mine, then do your work diligently, dedicate your life to yourself, and be happy and successful. You are the ones who mean everything to your families, you should aim to make them proud,” he added.
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