Soon, like many other cricketers, the life story of Indian star cricketer Yuvraj Singh will also be seen on the big screen. A big update has come out regarding this film which is going to be made under the banner of T-Series. It is reported that actress Fatima Sana Shaikh, famous for films ‘Dangal’, ‘Ludo’, ‘Ajeeb Dastaan’, ‘Sam Bahadur’ and other films, can also be seen in it. It is also being told that Fatima will be seen in the role of Yuvraj’s girlfriend in this film. Before this, Fatima has worked in biopic films like ‘Dangal’ and ‘Sam Bahadur’.
Fatima can be seen as Yuvraj Singh’s girlfriend
According to sources, ‘The team is considering Fatima Sana Shaikh to play the role of Yuvraj Singh’s love interest in the biopic. Although no statement has been received regarding this from the actress or producers, but there is a possibility that she will play an important role in the film.’
Who will be the actor for the role of Yuvraj Singh?
Let us tell you that the film makers have not yet decided who they are going to cast for the role of Yuvraj Singh in it. It is being told that this film will be directed by Ravi Bhagchandka. This includes his brilliant performances like 6 sixes in the 2007 ‘T20 World Cup’ and 2011 World Cup.
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