The Pyaar Ka Punchnama actress Nushrratt Bharuccha recently went to Israel to attend the Haifa International Film Festival. In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, the actor’s team has been unable to contact and trace her since Saturday afternoon. She has been stuck in the country with no means of contact. Her team and family members tried to contact her but failed.
This time, a war situation is going on between Israel and Palestine Israell hamas palestine war) after Hamas suddenly attacked Israel. On Saturday, Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas fired 5,000 rockets at Israel. There has been a huge loss of life in Israel in this attack. Things are getting worse in Israel. AA per the latest report almost 300 people have been killed and more than 900 people are injured, a huge number of people are missing. Hamas has claimed that many Israeli soldiers and civilians have been taken hostage. Israel’s counterattack killed 198 people and injured about 1500. This is not the first time these two countries have been in a war situation, this has been going on for ages.
However, now agood informationhas come out about her. Nusrat is safe and will return home soon.
‘‘We have finally managed to get in touch with Nushrratt and with the help of the Embassy, she is being safely brought back home. We did not get a direct flight so she is on a connecting flight home. For her further safety, more details cannot be shared but as soon as she lands in India, we will inform you. We are relieved and thank god that she is safe and on her way to India,’‘ her family said to the reporters.
Not only this, she has reached the airport to return to India. So, Nusrat will soon reach home safely in the next few hours. However, until Nusrat comes home safely, her family, fand ans are praying to God.
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