Glimpses of Bollywood’s ‘chaiya chaiya’ girl Malaika Arora and his star boyfriend Arjun Kapoor’s love life are all over social media. One of the most talked about couples in B-town, Malaika and Arjun loves to share their lovey-dovey moments with the netizens. Although recent rumors about their splitting up have taken the internet by storm. This is not the first time this kind of story made it to the public. Sometimes earlier there were rumors about Malaika’s pregnancy. Their relationship always remains in discussion for the media.
Malaika Arora, Arjun Kapoor Say Goodbye
Malaika Arjun broke up months back according to a report by Zoom. But the couple wanted to give themselves another shot. To work on themselves and each other. They have been together for the past five years. Malaika had to face severe criticism and bad words for dating a guy who was 12 years younger than her. The two of them shut all the insults and trolls with their romantic gestures towards each other, without hiding them. Rather than sharing them for the world to see. The two started dating around 2018 and made it official the next year. But there were rumors about their splitting up around September of 2023, although the couple clarified they are still together and will keep working on themselves. The rumor again resurfaced with a promotional video of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa season 11, where Malaika Ajoked, “Once bitten, twice very shy” in response to Farah Khan’s question about her marriage plans. Her comment has raised eyebrows again. Is the then indirectly hinting about her single status? This kind of words not long after Malaika’s ex-husband Arbaaz Khan’s marriage fueled more curiosity about her relationship status.
On the other hand, during his appearance in ‘Koffee with Karan 8’ with Aditya Roy Kapoor, Arjun said, “I think it’s unfair to be sitting here without her and talking about the future. I think that would be the most respectful thing. Once we reach that stage, we will come and talk about it together. I’m very very happy where I am and I think we make no bones about the fact that we survived through whatever we’ve had to be in this comfortable, happy space.”
None of them have gone public with their position yet, although stories of their not being together are going around in the B-town.
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