Malaika Arora has once again set social media on fire as her Diwali look has been posted on her Instagram handle. Malaika Arora shot to fame as the Chaiyya Chaiyya girl, after which, she showed her dancing talent in several chartbusters like Munni Badnaam Hui, Maahi Ve, Hoth Rasiley, Kaal Dhamaal, and Anarkali Disco Chali. This 50-year-old model actress is a fan of Ayurveda and is known to consume fluids made with Ayurvedic ingredients. Malaika follows the path of intermittent fasting. Now, as her photos in shimmering bodycon dress have gone viral, let’s have a look at them!
From doing item numbers to walking on the ramp, Malaika Arora knows how to attract the attention of the netizens.
Malaika Arora sets the temperature soaring with her breathtaking look in a dazzling bodycon gown.
Malaika’s stunning gown comes in a captivating nude shade and features a plunging neckline, backless detailing, a figure-hugging fit, and silver embellishments making her look a complete showstopper.
Her outfit is from the shelves of the brand ITRH and comes with a whopping price tag of USD 3,360, which is equivalent to ₹2.27 lakh.
Malaika is one of those actresses who is getting hotter day by day and her stunning looks are proof of that.
The actress is always hitting the fashion targets like a pro and her latest look in a shimmering gown is no exception and is sure to leave you in awe.
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