Renowned actor Mithun Chakraborty, who had been actively campaigning for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) across the overall West Bengal since mid-April, suddenly announced on Saturday that he would be stepping away from politics to focus on his acting career. As he returning back to his acting career, him letting politics is raising questions about the BJP’s future campaign strategies in West Bengal.
The 72-year-old film star made a significant declaration, after casting his vote in North Kolkata, the 72-year-old film star made a significant declaration to the press gathered outside the polling booth. He said, “Today I announce an important thing that as per my party’s directive I did politics up to May 30 and now no more politics for me. Now onwards I will be on my professional career,” Mithun Chakraborty had joined the BJP in March 2021 before the West Bengal Assembly elections took place . Since then he had been a bright figure in the party’s campaign. His star power was being used hugely in campaigning and public meetings across the west Bengal, and attracting the crowds and support for the BJP. Still, in spite of all his active involvement, the party did not gained their targeted breakthrough in this state, as the ruling Trinamool Congress still in power.
The decision to step back from politics has been detected as a strategic move for Chakraborty. He is Known for his versatile acting skills, and this actor has appeared in more than 350 films across multiple languages, he had earned multiple awards also. His fans are now waiting for his return to the silver screen, and this announcement marks a new chapter in his career and film journey. “I have always been passionate about acting, and I am excited to return to what I love the most,” he had said. His return to the entertainment industry is expected to be a huge for his fan base.
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