Mumbai Police has recently informed the Bombay High Court about closing the forgery case against actress Shweta Tiwari. Her ex-husband Abhinav Kohli had registered this case in the year 2021. The court has now asked the actress to withdraw her petition, in which she had filed a complaint at Bandra Kurla Police Station.
According to ‘Free Press Journal’, Mumbai Police presented ‘A’ summary report in the Bombay High Court on December 17, 2024. It was said that there is no concrete evidence against the actress, which would support that she has done anything like this. On this the court had said that considering the situation, the petition should be returned.
Abhinav Kohli’s allegations against Shweta Tiwari
In the year 2021, Abhinav Kohli had accused actress Shweta Tiwari of forgery. His allegation was that Sheta had forged his signature on the NOC to obtain a UK visa for his son Reyansh. He had claimed that after this he himself contacted the UK Embassy in India and the visa was again cancelled.
Let us tell you that Shweta Tiwari has now got relief in the four year old case. She married Abhinav Kohli in 2013. But got divorced in 2019. Before this he had taken seven rounds with Raja Chaudhary. He had a daughter named Palka. Now the actress is single and is raising both the children alone.
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