Natasa-Hardik: Rumors of divorce between Natasha and Hardik Pandya put to rest! Actress restored wedding photos

After sharing some cryptic posts on social media amid rumors of her separation from her cricketer-husband Hardik Pandya, Serbian model Natasha Stankovic again shared pictures from her wedding on Instagram. She removed all the photos from her social media I’d that included their her wedding photos and a few more photos with Hardik, which led one Reddit user to think that she and the Indian cricketer are headed for divorce.

Natasha-Hardik’s relationship didn’t break?

Actually, divorce rumors started spreading when Natasha Stankovic removed the surname ‘Pandya’ from her Insta profile and ‘deleted’ her wedding photos with Hardik. She did not come to the stadium to watch even a single match in IPL 2024. Now amid divorce rumours, Natasha Stankovic has restored all the photos from her wedding with Hardik on her Instagram profile.

Natasha’s profile is back like before

These photos include pictures of special moments from their wedding. He also had a second wedding with great pomp and those pictures have also been restored. Apart from this, he has also removed Valentine’s Day photos from archive mode. Now seeing the pictures of the couple together again, fans are happy and are heaving a sigh of relief. However, the reason behind Natasha deleting and restoring the photos is not yet known. Why he put these photos on archive mode has not been revealed yet.

The duo got married twice

Let us tell you, Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya married actress Natasha Stankovic during the lockdown in May 2020. Two months after marriage, the couple gave birth to their son Aegastya. The couple got married for the second time on 14 February 2023 as per Christian customs.