Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi in a recent interview opened up about the paparazzi culture and their inappropriate behaviour. The actress spoke about how they do not know how to behave and takes photos from bad angles and zooms on specific body parts. At the gym, at the airport, or anywhere else, actors are constantly getting clicked by the Paparazzies and they shot whenever the actors or the celebrities step out of their houses. Earlier many actresses have raised their voices regarding the matter of camera angles. Nora Fatehi has now voiced her opinion on the same topic!
The actress said, “Maybe they don’t zoom into their bu*t because it’s not exciting but they zoom into their other body parts unnecessarily. Sometimes, I think that there’s nothing to zoom into, so what are they focusing on?” Nora also said, “I think the paparazzi have never seen such hips before. They not only do this with me but also with other actresses. Maybe they don’t zoom in on your hips because it’s not exciting, but they zoom in on other parts of the body unnecessarily.” dancer and actress Nora fatehi is quite famous among the paparazzi. The cameras always follows her whenever she goes. However, amidst all this, Nora has expressed her anger and from her interview it looks like she doesn’t like that.
She further mentioned, “Sometimes I feel like there’s nothing to zoom in on, so what are they focusing on?” Nora Fatehi further said, ‘Unfortunately, these are the things that trend on social media. They are just playing the social media algorithm game. Luckily, I have a good body, and I am proud of it. I am not ashamed of it. Perhaps there is a wrong perception behind the paparazzi zooming in on the camera, but this is a separate issue for discussion. I cannot teach everyone a lesson by catching them, but I still walk the same way I used to. I am completely confident about my body.”
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