Priyanka Chopra was seen garnering accolades all over the world in her Hollywood series ‘Citadel’ last year. Priyanka Chopra, who was once a top Bollywood heroine, is now counted among the top Hollywood beauties. Priyanka Chopra has not appeared in Bollywood films for almost 5 years. Now after 5 years, Hollywood heroine Priyanka Chopra may return home. Priyanka Chopra herself has given this information. Not only this, Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt are also going to be the support of the same film with which Priyanka Chopra is making a homecoming. This film of these three stars can be released by next year.
Priyanka Chopra will be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s film.
Priyanka Chopra has last seen in the 2019 film ‘Sky is Pink’. Farhan Akhtar was seen in the lead role with Priyanka Chopra in this film. Now Priyanka Chopra can be seen in ‘Jee Le Zara’. This film is being made under the production of Farhan Akhtar. According to the information, Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif will also be seen in important roles along with Priyanka Chopra in this film. Recently, Priyanka Chopra revealed this in a conversation with HT City. Priyanka Chopra says, ‘I am telling you this without joking that I want to return to Bollywood soon. I have started hearing stories about this. This year has been very busy for me. But now my focus is on Bollywood. I am always excited about shooting in India.’
Will work again after 5 years
Let us tell you that Priyanka Chopra started her career in the film world by winning the title of Miss World in 2000. After this, Priyanka Chopra became the lead heroine in just a few films. After ruling Bollywood for about 15 years, Priyanka Chopra entered the world of Hollywood in 2016. Here too Priyanka Chopra did a wonderful job and made her place among Hollywood heroines. Now after 2019, Priyanka can be seen working in a Bollywood film. When Priyanka was asked about her comeback with the film ‘Jee Le Zara’, she said that for this she would have to talk to Farhan Akhtar.
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