Bollywood’s other soon-to-be-married couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani has taken a big decision! They were originally planning a destination wedding in the Middle East but it has been reported that they made a last-minute shift to Goa! Rumors are saying that this is connected with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for hosting grand events in India. The decision is completely driven by a sense of civic responsibility and love for the country! That’s why this couple has won everyone’s heart!
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have made an abuzz with their upcoming two-day long intimate wedding which is going to happen in Goa! This marriage is going to take place on February 21. But what makes this celebration unique? Well, the scene is that this couple made a last-minute decision to shift their wedding venue back to India! This happened aligning with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for affluent families to host their grand events within the country!
a source close to the couple shared, “Rakul and Jackky reconsidered their original plans and relocated the wedding to India. Despite the considerable changes, the couple embraced the overhaul, driven by their love for the country and desire to contribute to its growing economy.” another source close to the couple has said, “Rakul and Jackky had initially planned for their wedding to take place in the Middle East. After nearly six months of meticulous planning, everything was pretty much in order. However, following the call from the Indian PM in December, urging rich and influential families to choose India as the venue for their big life events, Rakul and Jackky reconsidered their original plans and relocated the wedding to India.”
Rakul Preet Singh addressed all of these speculations that were surrounding their wedding once in an interview. She said “I have always been vocal, and whenever that conversation happens, I will be open. I don’t have to hide… Whenever it happens, I will be the first one to announce it. As of now, we both are extremely busy with our work.”
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