Bollywood director Karan Johar expressed his fantasy to remake the classic film “Sangam” with actors Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and Ranbir Kapoor! It is an open secret now, that new gossip will be born from Karan’s show. So this time is no exception. The first episode sparked new speculations.
Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, and Ranveer Kapoor are going to act in the Trikon love story!
Deepika and Ranbir Kapoor were in a relationship for a few years when they started their journey in Bollywood. Now she’s happily married to Ranveer Singh. During a Rapid Fire round in Coffee with Karan, Ranveer mentioned that Karan had previously wanted to cast them in a film together! The relationship between Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika didn’t end well, they had a bitter break-up, and at that time, Deepika suggested that Ranbir had cheated on her. She had suggested her appearance on Koffee with Karan in 2010.
Will it be awkward for Deepika to work with ex-boyfriend and husband together?
Though Deepika and Ranbir worked together in films like Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani and Tamasha after their breakup. But is doing a film together with ex-boyfriend and husband going to be awkward for her? Although both are happily married now. Ranbir married Alia Bhatt last year, they have a baby daughter named Raha too. And after their breakup Deepika also started dating Ranveer Singh in 2012. The couple got secretly engaged in 2015 and were married in 2018. But Ranvir seemed pretty cool about this matter.
Deepika mentioned having the best chemistry with Ranbir?!
Also when Ranveer was asked who shares the best chemistry with Deepika, he named Shah Rukh Khan. Deepika and Shah Rukh recently worked together in the blockbusters Jawan and Pathaan. Then Deepika named Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, and the late Irrfan Khan as the actors she shared the best chemistry.
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