In a viral video clip, Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh are seen criticising PM Narendra Modi and his party while praising the opposition Congress party in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. That video created a stir in the internet. But, that is an AI created video. Actor Ranveer Singh has laughed an FIR because of this deepfake video.
Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh, are seen criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi!
“Yes, we have filed the police complaint and FIR has been lodged against the handle that was promoting the AI-generated deepfake video of Ranveer Singh,” the actor’s assistant has told the reporters. In that viral video, two Bollywood actors Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh, are seen making fun of thr Prime Minister Narendra Modi as well as they were praising the opposition Congress party in the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
These videos are going viral and garnered more than a half million views on social media. The video of Amir Khan (30 second long video) and Ranbir Singh (41 second long video) has gone viral because they are seen expressing dissatisfaction with Modi’s governance. They are seen accusing him of not fulfilling campaign promises and neglecting all the key economic factors during his time as prime minister.
“We want to clarify that Aamir Khan has never endorsed any political party throughout his 35-year career. He has dedicated his efforts to raising awareness through Election Commission public awareness campaigns for many past elections,” Amir Khan’s assistant had said in a statement. Before this incident happened, Ranveer Singh also had spoken about deepfakes and expressed his thoughts on the same on social media. He wrote, “Deepfake se bacho dostoonn”.
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