Deepika Padukone said that she and Ranveer Singh were allowed to date other people at the beginning of their relationship, but they kept coming back to each other. Deepika also said she and Ranveer Singh were ‘technically allowed’ to date other people ‘until he proposed’ because ‘There was no real commitment’. Internet is fussing over this, after the first episode of Coffee with Karan season 7. But now, here we will tell you about some women that Ranveer dated before Deepika.
Anushka Sharma:
Many reports had confirmed that Anushka was indeed dating Ranveer. They fell for each other on the sets of his debut film Band Baaja Baaraat but with time, the two parted ways. They started dating since band Baaja baaraat, and they were quite the talk of the town. But this didn’t last long, as they broke up. When Anushka and Ranveer appeared together on season three of Koffee With Karan in 2011, there were rumors that they were dating. However, a video that shows Anushka telling Simi Garewal why she would never date Ranveer is now going viral on social media.
Sonakshi Sinha:
After breaking up with Anushka, the actor was said to have fallen in love with Sonakshi Sinha. The two allegedly dated when they were working on the sets of Lootera. However, they never confirmed it. At that time both were seen holding hands in many places and looked like a couple. Though they never admitted to dating.
Ahana Deol:
Hema Malini and Dharmendra’s younger daughter Ahana Deol was Ranveer Singh’s first romantic partner in the entertainment industry, it is true or rumor, that’s not confirmed though. They were rumored to have dated for a brief amount of time back when they were in college.
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