Last Thursday, the makers of the action thriller film ‘Animal’ hosted a special screening of their film at the Jio Plaza in Mumbai. This movie stars Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, and Bobby Deol. The trailer got a huge hype from the fans. Several B-town celebs marked their presence at the screening. But the national crush, Rashmika Mandanna took all the limelight. How? We will explain.
Rashmika’s stunning look killed everyone!
Rashmika, looked beautiful as she wore a brown one-piece dress for the gala night. The gorgeous woman looked stunning in a mesmerizing brown bodycon dress. Her radiating glamour matched perfectly with her choice of attire. She kept her makeup heavy and her hair open.
Ranbir Kapoor carried his elegance in a sleek black suit while showcasing his impeccable style. Among the guests were Ranbir’s wife, the talented actress Alia Bhatt, and his mother, Neetu Kapoor. They added a touch of family support to the event. Alia Bhatt wore a blazer layered over a t-shirt with the movie’s artwork printed on it.
Recently with the teaser of the film fans have been hailing for a good Rashmika and Ranbir look together and how perfect their chemistry is. In the recently released song Hua Mein the duo is seen getting married. They are seen as a married couple and parents of two children. The audience is extremely excited and eagerly waiting to see the pair together on screen for the first time.
Alia Bhatt Hugs Rashmika Mandanna At Animal Screening awkwardly??
Alia was seen in a hurry during the screening event, but she still stopped to hug Rashmika Mandanna. However, many netizens thought that Alia and Rashmika’s hug was rather awkward. The video went viral and netizens are commenting on it. One person wrote, “What’s with the awkward hugging??” Another added, “Why is Alia making a face?” Another added, “She is not looking in her eyes.” A person also said, “Alia meets people like she’s Kate Middleton and others are there so shake hands with her. She had the same vibe with Kriti.”
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