The newest addition of Bollywood lovey-dovey couple is Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Modi. But Bollywood is always ready to give us most unexpected surprises! Like always now another piping hot tea has came out about everyone’s favourite, the sweetest and kindest girl of Bollywood, no other than ‘Stree’ star, Shraddha Kapoor. According to the rumours, another heart renching break up has touched Shraddha Kapoor! Shraddha might’ve broke up with her rumored boyfriend, Rahul Mody. Their dating rumours were going on for some months, after her full movie Ranbir Kapoor! The drama started when the fans noticed a weird thing, that give the hint that Shraddha and Rahul might have departed from each other’s life! There are some science that shows a clean break between these to love couple!
What happened between Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Modi?
The fans have noticed that Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul on Instagram! And wait, not only that, there’s more gossip in that spicy mix! She didn’t just unfollowed him, she even hit the unfollow button to so that she does not want to keep any connection with his sister, even with his production house, as well as his dog’s account also! But here’s the plot twist, this only happened from one side, on the other hand Rahul is still following Shraddha. This whole unfollow and follow story has made the fans crazy. The real question is, are they really over, or is this some promo for her upcoming film, ‘Stree 2’?
In the middle of all this, Shraddha dropped a major bombshell! She confirmed her romance with Rahul in the cutest way possible. She shared a sun-kissed selfie on her Insta stories, looking all lovey-dovey with Rahul. And the caption? “Dil rakh le, Neend toh vaapis de de yaar.” Translation: “Keep my heart, but give me back my sleep.” How adorable is that?! This is the first time Shraddha has gone public about her relationship, and fans are here for it! For those of you who don’t know, Shraddha and Rahul’s love story began on the sets of ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’. Rahul was a writer on the film, and sparks flew while they were working together.
On the work front, Shraddha is super busy gearing up for ‘Stree 2’. The sequel to her 2018 hit is already creating a lot of buzz. She’ll be reuniting with Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana, and Abhishek Banerjee. Can’t wait to see the magic they create on screen again! So, what do you think, guys? Is the unfollow spree a sign of a breakup, or just a clever marketing move for ‘Stree 2’? Drop your thoughts in the comments! And stay tuned for more updates on this real-life drama and Shraddha’s upcoming projects.
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