Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela has once again come into the limelight for her relationship with Indian cricketer Rishabh Pant. For the last few years, Urvashi Rautela and Rishabh Pant have been linked. But things turned sour between the two at that time. When Urvashi gave an interview calling herself RP, after which Rishabh Pant called it a publicity stunt. After this, both of them took a lot of dig at each other through social media. Urvashi Rautela has once again become controversial regarding the ad for her new matrimonial brand. Let us tell you what is the whole matter.
Urvashi Rautela made fun of Rishabh Pant’s height
Recently Urvashi Rautela was seen in the advertisement of a matronial brand. Urvashi Rautela talks about actors, businessmen, singers, and cricketers in this advertisement. The actress says I met many people, including businessmen, actors, and some cricketers. Many are not of my height. After this advertisement went viral, fans linked Rishabh Pant and started trolling the actress. Fans said that Urvashi Rautela had made fun of the cricketer without taking his name.
Urvashi Rautela clarified Rishabh Pant
As soon as this advertisement came out, people felt that this was a target of the actress towards Rishabh Pant and they started trolling the actress. People say that even though Urvashi Rautela did not take the cricketer’s name, she is making fun of him. However, while posting on Instagram, Urvashi has written, that this is the common script of the brand, not a direct hint towards anyone, to spread positivity. Being responsible, I understand the impact it can have on people as a brand ambassador.
Urvashi Rautela Workfront
#UrvashiRautela #RishabhPant
— Rajat Gupta (@Rajatgupta199) April 1, 2024
Talking about Urvashi Rautela’s work front, she was recently seen in Love Dose 2.0 with Yo Yo Honey Singh. Apart from this, one of his films, JNU, is about to come. The actress also has projects like Akshay Kumar’s Welcome 3, NBK 109 with Bobby Deol and Salman Khan, Nandamuri Balakrishna, Baap with Sunny Deol and Sanjay Dutt and Inspector Avinash 2 with Randeep Hooda.
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