Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been elected MP from Mandi seat of Himachal Pradesh. She had reached Chandigarh airport on Thursday to go to Delhi. He had to go by Vistara Airlines flight. After the security check, a female CISF jawan slapped him. This incident created a stir. The security personnel present there detained the accused.
According to the information, Kangana Ranaut had to travel by Vistara flight (UK707). After the security check, when she was going to board the flight, Kulwinder Kaur, a female employee of the CISF unit present at the airport, slapped Kangana. After this, Mayank Mathur, who was traveling with Kangana, tried to slap Kulwinder Kaur.
Kulwinder is a resident of Sultanpur Lodhi
According to sources, Kulwinder Kaur is a resident of Sultanpur Lodhi, Punjab. Presently she is living in Sector 64, Phase X, Mohali. Her family has been associated with the farmers movement. At present, Kulwinder was posted in the internal security of Chandigarh International Airport. Kaur’s statement has also come in this matter. The accused said, she (Kangana) had said that women are sitting there (farmer movement) for Rs 100 each.
Kulwinder Kaur, accused of attack on BJP MP, asked whether she (Kangana) was sitting there,“My mother was sitting there”, Kulwinder shouted and it is clear from the statement of the accused that she was angry with Kangana’s statement about the farmers’ movement.
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