Siddharth Malhotra new action film Yodha, which is directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha has released on theatres this Friday. This film also stars Rashi Khanna, Disha Patani, Ronit Roy and Tanuj Virwani. Although the first day collection is 4.5 crores but the movie has received mixed reviews upon release on March 15. Some said it’s an outstanding action film of Sid, some are saying this film is a very bumpy ride for the film lovers.
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This film is directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, and produced by Amazon MGM Studios, Dharma Productions and Mentor Disciple Entertainment. After Runway 34, Tejas, Fighter, and Operation Valentine from the South, now Yodha . This type of films are the latest in the trend of aerial action that is constantly getting hit by air pockets, which ends up in a very bumpy ride. The story says nothing new. It is the same old story in which a hero appears in uniform who doesn’t follow the command. But anyhow the hero manages o destroy some self centred enemies who only want to break the India-Pakistan peace.
This film doesn’t fulfill the expectations completely. Yodha is not Shershah , this is true, but this film Yodha can be a good enjoyment for one time watch. The action sequences are pretty good combined with Jishnu Bhattacharjee’s lens work, which has added an extra layer of shine to this action thriller. Though the screenplay isn’t at it’s toughest attire. Now, it is time to now how the film watchers are reacting to this film.
one fan on X wrote, “Initial Reviews Suggest That #Yodha is The Best EVER Hijack Based Patriotic Film of Indian Cinema,” another commented, Baap Level Entry Of #SidharthMalhotra in #YODHA.” but another fan who didn’t like the film, has said, “Movie was average.It was just an Typical average Bollywood movie u just hear of.Dont waste your time watching this .” Another bad review says, “Movie was a bad choice.It story was bad and Acting was just average.Not something u should prefer”.
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