India just witnessed the nation’s biggest wedding. Mukesh Ambani’s younger son Anant Ambani married Radhika Merchant on July 12. Biggest tycoons, famous stars, and big personalities all over the globe attended the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. But Rakhi Sawant, who has made her mark in TV and Bollywood, shared a video and expressed her displeasure over not being invited to the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Not only this, but by sharing the video Rakhi Sawant also took Khloe Kardashian to task and accused her of copying.
Rakhi Sawant File A complain
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Rakhi Sawant has shared a video on social media regarding the marriage of Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant, which has received 33 thousand likes so far. In the video, Rakhi Sawant said, “I will give two crores each, tell me where I was at Anant Ambani’s wedding. Ambani can invite Kim, but cannot afford the legendary Rakhi Sawant.” Taking a dig at Khloe Kardashian, she said, “I don’t understand why you guys are copying me. You guys come to my India and copy Rakhi Sawant. Shame on you guys.”
Let us tell you that in her Instagram story, Khloe Kardashian had called Manish Malhotra a ‘local designer’, for which Rakhi Sawant took her to the task. Rakhi said, “India’s top designer, number 1, is what you call a local designer. People of India yearn to wear Manish Malhotra’s clothes and these two sisters come and insult him by wearing his clothes and jewelry.”
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