Hardik Pandya has been in the headlines for the last few days due to the news of his divorce from his wife Natasha Stankovic. Still, meanwhile, a video is going viral on social media very fast in which Hardik is seen with a ‘mystery girl’. It is known that this video of Hardik has added fuel to the fire of the news of his divorce from his wife Natasha. With the video of Hardik and ‘the mystery girl’ going viral on social media, Hardik’s fans have become desperate to know about the ‘mystery girl’.
It is known that social media users have even declared the ‘mystery girl’ as their new ‘Bhabi’ (sister-in-law). However, there is no such thing in reality. It is known that the name of this ‘mystery girl’ going viral with Hardik is Prachi Solanki, who is a social media influencer by profession, along with this Prachi is also a makeup artist. It is known that Prachi herself has posted photos and videos with Hardik Pandya on her social media accounts. At the same time, Prachi has written ‘Fan Girl Moment’ in the caption posted with the pictures. It is known that Prachi met Hardik Pandya as a fan.
Here is the video
It is worth noting that apart from Hardik, Prachi has also shared photos with Hardik’s brother Krunal and sister-in-law Pankhuri on social media. It is known that Prachi Solanki has shared her photos with many Bollywood celebrities on social media even before Hardik Pandya. It is worth noting that Hardik Pandya has been in the headlines since the end of IPL 2024 due to the news of his divorce from Natasha Stankovic. It is known that both of them have unfollowed each other on social media, even Natasha has deleted all the pictures of her wedding with Hardik from Instagram.
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