For the first time in IPL 2024, a team captain has been fined. Tuesday 26 March In the match between Chennai Super Kings vs Gujarat Titans, GT captain Shubhaman Gill made a big mistake. Due to which he has been fined Rs 12 lakh. Gujarat Titans found guilty for slow over rate against CSK. This is his first offense and for this he will have to pay a fine of Rs 12 lakh. This is Morshum’s second match against Gujarat.
The official media release issued by the IPL said that Gujarat Titans captain Shubhaman Gill has been fined for maintaining a slow over rate in the IPL 2024 match against Chennai Super Kings on 26 March at the M.A. Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai. For now he has been fined financially. Since this was his team’s first offense of the season under the IPL code of conduct relating to minimum over rate offences, he was fined Rs 12 lakh.
Gujarat Titans could not start bowling their 20th over on time. That’s why Shubhaman Gill has been fined this much. Even in the match, he was penalized because there were only four players outside the 30-yard circle during the last over. If the 20th overtime period had been called, captain Shubman Gill would have been allowed to have five players outside the 30-yard circle. Although CSK scored only 8 runs in the last over.
This was the second match of Gujarat Titans and in the second match, captain Shubhaman Gill committed the first offense of slow over rate. If found guilty for the second time, he will be fined Rs 30 lakh. Apart from this, all other players of the team will be fined Rs 6 lakh or 25 percent of the match fee. For the third time, due to slow over rate, the captain will be fined Rs 30 lakh and banned from one league match.The remaining players will be fined Rs 12 lakh per match or 50 per cent of the match fee.
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