The last match of the 5-test match series between India and England is to be played in Dharamshala. Before this, there is a big update on the injury of Team India’s star batsman KL Rahul. He is not completely fit. Now he has left for London for treatment. Cricbuzz said in its report that the BCCI medical team was surprised about his injury. Therefore, in a hurry, KL Rahul has now gone to London to meet the same doctor who had treated Rahul earlier.
Time of India in its report said that the BCCI medical team is surprised by Rahul’s injury because they have not found any specific problem in his quads, while the cricketer is repeatedly complaining of pain. Now he has left for England to gather more information about the strain in his quadriceps muscles (quadriceps injury), where he will meet a specialist to find out the causes of the pain.
KL Rahul played only the first match of the 5 test match series, in which India lost. After this match, Rahul withdrew his name. The BCCI medical team was confident that he would take the field in the third Test in Rajkot on February 15, but he was ruled out just a day before the match. At that time BCCI said that ‘he feels only 90% fit’. After this Rahul could not play any next match.
After getting injured in the IPL last year, Rahul had undergone surgery, after which he is a little worried about his quads. The team management also does not want to take any risk with Rahul’s double role, because after the injury of Rishabh Pant, KL Rahul is playing the role of wicketkeeping in ODI and T-20 as well as in Test.
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