Fast bowler Mohammed Shami’s marriage proposal has gone viral. Shami had received this proposal from Bollywood actress Payal Ghosh. Payal had proposed to Shami for marriage on social media, that too with a condition. It was not that Payal Ghosh had just one tweet for Shami. Even after this Payal is posting for Shami. After continuously praising the bowler who is performing brilliantly in the World Cup, a new tweet by Payal Ghosh has come out. This time the tweet going viral is not for Shami but for his wife Hasin Jahan who is in the limelight.
Payal took Shami’s class
Payal Ghosh has brutally trolled Mohammed Shami’s wife Hasin Jahan. Not only this, he has also organized Hasin’s class. These tweets of the actress are in favor of Mohammed Shami. Payal Ghosh wrote in this tweet, ‘Every media person is calling me and saying that Mr. Shami’s wife is trying every possible way to discourage him. This is not right. We are dreaming of India winning the World Cup. Mohammed Shami is at the forefront of India’s aggressive bowling. It’s time someone spoke for men.
See tweet here
Palay Ghosh called Hasin illiterate
Apart from this, while replying to a Twitter user, Payal Ghosh wrote, ‘Your Shami’s wife, illiterate, no class, there is nothing ahead of me. I am a first-class graduate of Calcutta University. Not only this, I am a notable alumni.
Read the second tweet here
Had made these tweets earlier
Let us tell you, earlier Payal Ghosh had posted an explosive message taking Shami’s name. He tweeted and wrote, ‘Shami, you improve your English, I am ready to marry you.’ This tweet from actress Payal Ghosh instantly went viral. After this, he made another tweet, which is again for Shami only. He wrote, ‘Mohammad Shami, what kind of moral support do you want from me to give your best in the semi-finals? We have to make it to the finals first and I want you to be the hero. Later the actress also deleted this tweet. This series of tweets, which started on November 2, is continuing. There is no reaction from Shami’s side on this matter, but fans are finding it quite funny.
Payal Ghosh remained in the news for this reason
Payal Ghosh came into the limelight when she openly accused Anurag Kashyap. She had revealed that Anurag Kashyap had sexually assaulted her. She had reached the court regarding this matter. This matter had become very serious and Anurag Kashyap had to come forward and give clarification on this matter. Not only this but after Payal raised this issue, many other actresses also raised their voices against Anurag.
Dive into Politics
After the Anurag Kashyap case gained prominence, actress Payal Ghosh also entered politics. He joined Ramdas Athawale’s party Republican Party of India. Payal is very active on social media and openly expresses her opinion on the issue. By the way, let us tell you that Mohammed Shami was married to Hasin Jahan, they both have a child. After marriage, Hasin had made many baseless allegations against the cricketer. The dispute between the two was in the news.
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