Under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, India registered a spectacular victory in the T20 World Cup 2024. When Rohit Sharma and the entire team along with him reached Delhi with the World Cup trophy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself welcomed and honored them. After this, Team India’s victory parade took place in Mumbai. India’s next stop is the Champions Trophy and WTC Final 2025. BCCI Secretary Jay Shah has announced that India’s captaincy in both these tournaments will be in the hands of Rohit Sharma.
Releasing a video, Jai Shah said, “Congratulations to Team India for this historic victory. I want to dedicate this victory to coach Rahul Dravid, captain Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja. This was our third final in the last one year. I had said in Rajkot that we will hoist the flag in June 2024 and our captain hoisted the flag. After this victory, the next stop is WTC Final and Champions Trophy. I have full confidence that under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma we will become champions in both these tournaments.”
Rohit Sharma has played 122 matches as Indian captain. He has recorded 93 wins and 26 losses. 2 draws and 2 inconclusive. Rohit Sharma has played 16 test matches as captain. In these matches, they have won nine and lost four. Rohit’s winning percentage is 62.50. In 45 ODI matches, Rohit Sharma has led the team to 34 wins and 10 losses. Rohit’s record as captain in ODI is excellent, in which his win percentage is 75.55.
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