Before the IPL 2025 mega auction, Gujarat Titans head coach Ashish Nehra and director of cricket Vikram Solanki may leave the franchise. Now a media report has revealed that Yuvraj Singh is being considered as an option for the post of head coach. Although there has been no confirmation yet, a period of change has started within GT since team mentor Gary Kirsten stepped down from his post.
According to Sports18, many changes are possible inside Gujarat Titans. Ashish Nehra and Vikram Solanki are probably going to leave the team and talks have started on Yuvraj Singh’s name for the post of head coach. Although there has been no confirmation, major changes are possible in the coaching staff of Gujarat Titans. GT’s current coaching staff also includes Ashish Kapoor, Naeem Amin, Narendra Negi and Mithun Manhas, but according to the report, all these people have started looking for new opportunities.
Apart from this, there is speculation that Adani Group may buy stake in Gujarat Titans before the start of IPL 2025. Perhaps this is the reason for many major changes within the Gujarat team. Since Yuvraj Singh was not associated with any team after retiring from IPL, making him the head coach of Gujarat Titans will prove to be a very surprising decision. Yuvraj was last seen as a player in IPL in 2019. It is also worth noting that the captain of GT is Shubman Gill, who like Yuvraj comes from Punjab.
Gujarat Titans franchise entered IPL in the year 2022. Ashish Nehra has been the head coach of GT since the first season and he also made an important contribution in making Gujarat the IPL champion in 2022. This team was the runner-up in 2023, but GT’s performance in IPL 2024 was quite poor as the team was ranked eighth in the points table.
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