Mumbai police cyber cell’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) on April 27 arrested Sahil Khan from Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh in connection with the Mahadev betting app scam case. The scam involved illegal online betting on sports and card games, with transactions estimated at ₹15,000 crore. Several individuals, including former Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel, have been named as suspects.
Who is this actor? Well he is Known for his roles in Bollywood movies like Style and Excuse Me. Although Sahil Khan gained fame through a musical video of Stereo Nation’s named Nachange Sari Raat. This Bollywood actor and fitness coach has been arrested after the Bombay High Court rejected his pre-arrest bail plea.
Sahil Khan was sent to police custody by the Mumbai special court on this Sunday. It has been reported that he will be in custody till May 1, 2024. Mr. Sahil Khan was detained by the Mumbai Crime Branch from Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh. He was accused of being in a partnership with Mahadev betting app’s brunch Lotus app 247.
An FAir has been launched in his name at Matunga police station as well as against 37 other people in the Mahadev betting app case. The actor came in the Mumbai court today for hearing of the case. In that court, today he was ordered custody till May 1. But this comes after the Bombay High Court had rejected his pre-arrest bail plea. He was recently questioned by the police in connection with this case. The high court stated that he was “directly connected with the online betting application.”
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