Delhi Police’s X account has been cyberattacked. The account of Delhi Police, which is always active on social media, was hacked on Tuesday night. The unknown hacker has changed the profile of Delhi Police’s account, as well as changed the bio details.
Delhi Police’s X account was hacked for about 12 minutes. The hacker changed the cover photo and put a picture of Magic Eden. Magic Eden is a multichain NFT marketplace. Not only this, the hacker had hyperlinked in the link. Shortly after this, the profile and cover photo were changed to make Delhi Police’s X account like Magic Eden’s X account.
Delhi Police looking for IP address
Soon after this, the cyber unit of Delhi Police recovered its X account. It took about 12 minutes for the cyber unit to recover the account. Now the cyber team of Delhi Police is working to trace the IP address used to hack the X account. Meanwhile, Delhi Police has assured the public that appropriate action will be taken against the hackers once they are identified.
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