The West Bengal Police has arrested Ajit Maiti who is a Trinamool Congress leader. Maity is also known to be a very close person of Shahjahan Shaikh. Ajith Maity was detained on Sunday evening from civic volunteer’s resident. According to the news The villages of sandeshhali chased him and he had to lock himself up in that civic volunteers residence for 4 hours!
The main culprit Shahjahan Shaikh who is accused of sexually harassing several women of sandeshkhali is still on run. But the West Bengal police has managed to arrest a closed person of Shah Jahan Shaikh, who is also a leader of TMC. More than 70 complaints have been filed against the TMC leaders Shahjahan Shaikh. He has been accused of forcibly acquiring land and mistreating many local women.
“We have arrested him after getting complaints from villagers regarding land grabbing. We will produce him in the court later in the day,” the police officer has told the reporters. Angry villagers had attacked Ajit Maiti a couple of days back for his alleged ties with Shajahan and his group. They are also accused of land grabbing and sexual assault on local women.
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