A 41-year-old man named Harvinder Singh had boarded the Delhi-bound train from Dhanbad station in Jharkhand. According to the latest reports, an argument started between the passenger and the coach attendant of the coach he was inside, following this, The accused man started firing from his pistol. The ticket he had was for another train. Naturally, the ticket examiner objected, because he did not have the ticket for that train. Naturally, he cannot board that train. He then got into an argument. It is then alleged that he fired the shot.
According to the Eastern Railways, boarded the B-8 coach of Sealdah New Delhi Rajdhani Express. Harvinder Singh works in the Indian Army, and he was allegedly in an inebriated state at the time of the incident. The man did not have a suitable ticket, so the ticket examiner naturally objected. After that the argument started with him, and he started firing after that but the RPF soon caught up with him. He was then handed over to the state police when the train stopped at Koderma station. However, he was immediately overpowered and deboarded from the train and later he was arrested.
Still known from the latest reports that no casualties or injuries were reported in the firing incident, though this incident triggered panic among the passengers of the Sealdah Rajdhani Express. Some passengers are still in a state of shock following the firing aboard the train and have requested the authorities to conduct a thorough search of the locomotive.
Before this, on July 31, another terrible fatal incident, whose name was Chetan Singh, took place on the train. An RPF constable killed four people by firing on a moving train in Mumbai. Three passengers and a senior officer were shot dead by the RPF constable. He was later arrested.
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