After comedian Sunil Pal, actor Mushtaq Khan has also claimed that he was kidnapped. The Welcome actor has revealed that he was kidnapped on the pretext of an event. His business partner Shivam Yadav has revealed this. The kidnapping gang also demanded a ransom of Rs 2 lakh to release Mushtaq.
Speaking to India Today Digital, Shivam Yadav said that Mushtaq was called for an award show in Meerut on November 20. He was also given an advance amount for this. After this, he was also sent a flight ticket. When he landed in Delhi, he was put in a car and taken somewhere near Bijnor on the outskirts of Delhi.
More than Rs 2 lakh extorted from Mushtaq Khan
Shivam further said that the kidnappers kept Mushtaq Khan captive for about 12 hours. He was demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore. After this, the kidnappers took more than Rs 2 lakh from Mushtaq and his son’s bank account. When the actor heard the sound of morning azan, he realized that there was a mosque nearby. So he escaped from there and returned home with the help of the police.
FIR filed in Bijnor
Shivam said- ‘Mushtaq sir and his family were completely shaken by what happened. However, he was always sure that he would file an FIR after calming himself down. Yesterday, I went to Bijnor and filed an official FIR. We have proof of flight tickets, bank accounts and even CCTV footage near the airport, he also recognizes the neighborhood, even the house where he was kept.’
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