The income Tax department has been conducting raids on the Rajya Sabha’s Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu’s premises in Jharkhand and Odisha since last Wednesday. As per the latest reports, these raids were conducted in these two states with links to the Boudh Distillery Private Limited. The location from where most of the money was recovered is Odisha. It took the officials five days to count this much amount of money. This is the first haul, carried out by any probe agency in the country in a single action.
The money was found in a cupboard. The 0 income tax officers conducted searches in different locations like the house, office, e en the liquor distillery in Sundargarh. They also searched in the factory and office in Boudh Ramchikata and Ranisati Rice Mill among other locations. According to the latest reports more than 30 officers were engaged in the counting of cash. Almost eight machines were being used to count the large amount.
The marathon raids against Boudh Distillery Private Limited were launched on 6 December by the taxman. The charges were of tax evasion and “off-the-book” transactions. They used 200 bags and trunks to transport the cash for depositing it in bank branches in Odisha.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi assured that the money which has been looted from the public will be returned to them immediately. “The countrymen should look at the pile of these notes and then listen to the honest speeches’ of their leaders …Whatever has been looted from the public, every penny will have to be returned, this is Modi’s guarantee,” He said in a post on X.
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh assured that the party has no connection to these dealings of MP Dhiraj Sahu. He also said that Sahu has been called in to explain how such large amounts of cash were found in his properties.
The recovery of the huge amount of unaccounted cash has triggered a dark political showdown. Bharatiya Janata Party is now demanding explanations from the Congress. Home Minister Amit Shah has brutally criticized the INDI alliance. Because of their silence on the matter of a huge amount of cash being seized from an MP’s residence.
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