Big news has come out about Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s father Salim Khan. The actor’s father received death threats while doing a morning walk on the morning of September 18. After which the police have now caught the woman who threatened him. The woman wearing a burqa threatened to kill Salman Khan’s father by taking the name of Lawrence Bishnoi.
A woman wearing a burqa threatened
Actually, on the morning of September 18, when Salman’s father was doing a morning walk. A scooty came from Galaxy towards the bandstand which was being driven by a man and a woman wearing a burqa was sitting behind him. After this, he took a U-turn and came to Salim Khan and said, ‘Should I send Lawrence Bishnoi?’ During this, Salim Khan was sitting on the bench. After investigation, Mumbai’s Bandra Police caught the woman sitting in the scooty number 7444. Earlier, the police have arrested two accused in this case.
Threats have been received before
Let us tell you, Lawrence Bishnoi has threatened to kill Salman Khan several times before this. In March last year, an email came to Salman’s office, in which the Bishnoi gang threatened to kill him. The email said that Salman must have seen the interview given by Lawrence Bishnoi to a news channel and if he has not seen it, then he should watch it. At the same time, in January 2024, two people tried to sneak into Salman’s farmhouse in Panvel. However, the security personnel caught them then. After this, firing was also done at Salman’s Galaxy Apartment.
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